Tag Archives: racist

Summer of Love and Loss

“Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.”  Dr. Seuss Labor day approaches which means that summer is ending.  It has been a bittersweet summer for me and has moved far quicker than I wished but it was bound to happen.  The sweetness of

Two Speeches I Would Love To Hear

With the Presidential election a mere two months away and the gnawing fear of a true sociopath being placed in the most powerful position in the world I do what most good Americans do in these times; I escape.  I play “what if” and in

Could MLK Drive a School Bus in PA.?

  Probably not, depending on the School District.  A few years ago Pennsylvania enacted a law which really tightens up background checks on anyone who deals with children in a work setting.  It was further fallout from the Jerry Sandusky/Penn State scandal which is ironic

American Shorts

  Washington and Hamilton “Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force; like fire, a troublesome servant and fearful master.  Never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action.”  George Washington “I never expect to see a perfect work from

The More Things Change…..

How times have changed!  Fifty years ago in Selma the police turned on peaceful protesters with water hoses, dogs and batons.  The protestors were marching for their rights as Americans that had been denied them by the very government that was created to protect the