Fundamentally Transformed
We are now into Obamas final two years. And believe it or not the past six years worth of tearing down our country through numerous open and arrogant acts the worse has yet to come. The last two years are going to be the most dangerous period of his tenure as President. There were only a few other times that this Nation faced a catastrophic future and while the Nation survived it was moved toward this end. The War Between the States was the first major crisis of lasting importance this Country experienced. Our own “Civil War” laid the ground work for much of what we now have working against us. Lincoln is not a favorite of mine but neither are Jefferson Davis and the hot headed Southern rights leaders and as Christian as I am, the abolitionist while their goals were right; the moment the radicals took over they too were without a doubt an enemy of America. Lincoln had the opportunity to become, much like the current President had, a great President who united the Nation. His vision of a Federalized Central Government took precedence however and he chose to be an anti – Constitutional and dictatorial President. He was the only one who could have prevented the wholesale slaughter of Americans that his war inflicted. Obama’s insistence on transforming America will have similar repercussions to the future population.
As Americas Neville Chamberlin he believes that by making deals with the devil you will be kept safe. A mediocre intellect he desires nothing but mediocrity in American society. A blatant Europhile, his philosophy is based on the belief that the government that governs best is that which governs everything. That works in Europe because the people in Europe have throughout history lived in what they believed to be a secured state. What is European socialism if not feudalism dressed up in modern clothes? America was founded on the idea of liberty and independence. Not that socialism wasn’t tried here, especially early on in the Plymouth and Jamestown settlements. Both almost failed and the population would have died or been absorbed by local Indian tribes because of their socialist policies. Out of self preservation they changed their policies and outlook. The southern plantation system was a socialist/feudal carryover from Europe which would have died a natural death given time. And now we are faced with Obamas great transformation back to the feudal times when the government grants minimal assistance for complete control of it’s citizens.
It can not be all laid at the feet of Obama. It has been going on for some time by almost every President since Lincoln. It accelerated when the “Progressive” era started in earnest. When you hear “progressive” you had better grab your wallet and watch your freedoms because the contents of both will be disappearing shortly. It does not matter which political party is in control, they are both operated and controlled by progressives. One can not run for political office as a democrat unless they are stamped “progressive” and while republicans still have conservative members who are office holders they are kept leashed and used to garner money and votes from their base of supporters. You can tell that the Republican leadership is comprised of progressives; the foremost attributes of progressives is if you’re are male you are “ball-less” and if you are female you are “butch” or at least “ballsy”. Another attribute is their attitude that they know what is best for you regarding anything. They are bullies who like to make rules against bullying. Their rules and laws do not apply to them only to the ignorant populace or serfs who are manipulated through the whore-like media or they are bought off with giveaways. But most of all – they lie. We know they lie. They know they lie. They know that we know that they lie. Why is that acceptable to so many of us? They mock us with their lies. They lie and silently ask “What are you gonna do about it”.
When Obama tells us that this deal that he is making with Iran is a really good thing for the world – I hope you started digging your shelter. Remember these gems: “We are going to be the most transparent administration in history” or “There is a line in the sand and should Syria use chemical weapons it will have crossed that line and we will deal with them harshly” or “The Affordable Care Act will lower the cost of health insurance by $2000.00” or the famous “If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor”. Unfortunately Obama was elected because of the color of his skin and not the content of his character. Black racism in America is one of the most important stories never covered by the main stream media. But in a true progressive fashion he has done more to harm black Americans through his policies and actions all the while trying to act like one of them. For the progressives to be successful they must have “victims” and class envy. Do you really think that a mental midget like Al Sharpton, the black David Duke, would even be in the position to owe the IRS over four million dollars if his supporters actually saw him for the con man he is, laughing at them all the way to the bank?
There is hope here and that is Obamas actions are being seen for what they are by more of his “supporters”. He is being seen as the bully he is but regrettably it is far too late for us; for the damage is done. He is supposed to be a Constitutional scholar and supposedly respects our laws but like everything else about him, judging by his actions that is also a lie. I do not know if the man is a natural born citizen or if he is a Muslim. I do believe that he was a poor student in school and was more interested in smoking pot and having a good time. This because all his school records are sealed so tight it would be easier to find the records of who truly killed the Kennedy brothers. It would show how he was only accepted as a student because of his skin color and then he skated through and his only qualifications are as a community organizer. The corruptness of our halls of higher education would also have the light shown on them. What is disturbing is that he is only a product of a corrupt progressive system and we will only get more dunces whose only qualification is they can read and have a nice voice.
Who is to blame for Obama? In 2008 that is easy to answer; the voters. The bulk of his voters voted in ignorance and refused to see what little truth about him that was timidly presented by McCain and the Republicans. Given also that the Republicans chose a man that could not garner any support from their base. In 2012 the fault lies completely with the Republican party. They had a far better man running but he too turned off the base and the conservatives stayed home in large enough numbers to make the difference. The progressive leadership in the Republican party holds more responsibility than anyone for the place we are in now. Bohner and McConnell with their progressive smugness are keeping Obama and his policies quite safe from what the majority of Americans desire. The only viable opposition to the status quo and acceptance of the new feudal system is or was the TEA party. The triple assault of the progressive Democrat party and their shills in the progressive media and mostly from their own Republican party has seemingly neutralized the movement. We deserve what we have received but it is nothing compared to what is coming down the pike at us and this time there is no place to run in order to gain relief from the slavery of progressivism.
Well done as usual, however, I have ceased worrying about the future of our Country as I have come to believe thorough my Bible studies that really, for America as a Nation, there is no hope, no turning back. You see, America is not mentioned in Scripture as being a player in the end-times, and I believe we are truly in the end times.
I also believe that the work of the Believer today, in the USA, is to show people, one at a time, the Peace and Blessings of accepting Jesus Christ as their Savior. We are not to worry (but we can surely be saddened by the decline of this once great collection of people) because God’s plan is being worked out even though we do not like what we are observing, it is what it is!
Can we look and follow the advice Jesus gave us when He said, “Let not your heart be troubled”? I was taught a long time ago that if you can’t affect the outcome then you have no reason to worry. Our Nation is ending, no one knows when or how; but it is ending. Once I realized this truth I quit “kicking against the pricks”!
Do not be melancholy (an old work for depressed), Our God is in control and this will all work out for His glory.
God bless you and your family.
Good points. “Let not your heart be troubled” could well be the most perfect advice ever given and as a believer my heart is not troubled. In fact most people who know me will claim my heart is good but it is my mind that is troubled. In spite of what the current mindset of our so called leaders hold; we are a nation of individuals not a collective. If I don’t shout and scream (and I prefer “kick the pricks”) then the outcome will definitely not be different. America may not be mentioned in Scripture but I do believe that we are still infused with God’s blessings and He will be our rock when we as a nation fall. History shows that ALL nations fall and while we were in God’s grace we were safe, but the history that is told in the Bible shows that a nation can correct itself.
I agree we are in the end times, but we have been in the end times for quite awhile and not being clued in on God’s time table it could be another thousand years from now. I doubt it with the direction that everything seems to be heading and the question to ponder is do we sit back and wait or fight the evil we see? As I ponder this I am not melancholy ( sounds nicer then depressed – doesn’t it?) but at times frustrated and at times amazed but depressed only when I lose sight of His grace and then it signals to me that I am headed the wrong way. Took me too many years to figure that out but hey, I am Irish.
Thanks for the thoughts – at least I know there is one reader out there! God’s blessings on you and your family also!