Tag Archives: cronyism

Capitalism, Corporatism and the American Worker I

I have been contemplating for some time our American economy and American way of life.  Following is the first short observation, explanation or rant.  American society and way of life is a three legged stool.  One leg is the economy which has been on the ropes

Two Speeches I Would Love To Hear

With the Presidential election a mere two months away and the gnawing fear of a true sociopath being placed in the most powerful position in the world I do what most good Americans do in these times; I escape.  I play “what if” and in

Political Winds

  Much has happened the past several months in the political world.  Some good and of course some bad.  With about a year left before the next Presidential election it seems that at least one party is showing signs of evolving and it surely is

Short Glances II

Redemption Not the ultimate and more important Redemption but rather the societal or secular redemption.  As our Nation moves further away from our roots based on Judeo – Christian laws and customs there are more signs of our decline and coming demise as a great nation.   They

America’s Greatest Generation

“Is it the Fourth yet?”  Thomas Jefferson on his deathbed July 4, 1826. Five hours later, John Adams, spoke his last words, “Jefferson survives.”  It was the 50th. anniversary of the signing of a document that is one of the greatest written by man.  Jefferson, Adams