Political Winds

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Much has happened the past several months in the political world.  Some good and of course some bad.  With about a year left before the next Presidential election it seems that at least one party is showing signs of evolving and it surely is not the democrat party.  They are the true Neanderthals when it comes to economic theory and individual liberty.  The bottom 95% of the democrat party and supporters still do not understand that the socialist economic practices they embrace only benefit the upper 1% of the party.  It is truly the party of the rich elites protecting their own position while “leading” the poor, uneducated and easily misguided serfs to a life that is impoverished with no hope for betterment.  How was this accomplished?  Gaining control of Academia and then subverting the media.  It is easy to spot that now as hindsight is usually 20/20 but while it was happening most were not able to look down the road at the consequences and those that did were scoffed and ridiculed or destroyed.  They were not alone; they had assistance with many republicans and greedy corporatist.  The establishment politician only looks out for their own benefit and they have sold their soul to the ideologues in the democrat party.  Some see Trump’s rise as the demise of establishment politics but being a cynic I tend to believe that the establishment will never let go until there is blood on the streets.  Here are some thoughts on a few of the  politicos.


Show me someone without an ego, and I’ll show you a loser. Donald Trump , How to Get Rich

Should someone explain to him that everyone has an ego?  It is a thin line between being braggadocios and being a bore.  I guess where you stand on Trump is where you see what side of the line he is on.  There is much about him that I appreciate and much I distrust.  He has a cocky American way and speaks his mind freely which only a man with his kind of money can get away with in a public setting.  He has totally upset the establishment in the Republican Party with his popularity and has sucked the air out of the room for most of his opponents.  I agree with his illegal immigration stance and with his hardline view of how the rest of the world deals with the U.S.  But there is much I do not trust. He is very Machiavellian with very little regard for the Constitution if it gets in his way.  Eminent Domain is an issue which is one of the most un-American  practices that allow the government to violate private property rights at will.  He believes that it just fine that the government can take someone’s home because it may stand in the way of some developers idea of improvement.  Policies as Eminent Domain must be reigned in and Trump is not the man who can or would accomplish such a goal.   The aspect that is most bothersome is oddly enough is a Trump presidency following  Obama.  The arrogant actions by Obama has stretched Presidential power far beyond the Constitutional limits and a man like Trump will expand it even more.  As a Nation we will not survive back to back dictators.  It is a question if we will survive this one but most assuredly we will not survive a Trump ascendancy.


“What difference does it make ?”  Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State

That one question sums up Clintons complete political philosophy.  The Ma Barker of politics is focused on two things and only two things – power and money.  In a rational world she would be in orange and not just for her actions and inactions as Secretary of State.  She has been “dirty” going back to Little Rock with Bill.  There is not a candidate more unworthy and incapable of holding the office of President than her; probably in our history and we have had our share of crooks in the White House.  What is amusing is she worked on the impeachment of Nixon, who looks down right honorable next to her and Bill, until she was fired for lack of ethics.  Yes, she will receive a large number of votes just because she is female.  By their own definition that is being sexist but that is what the small minded democrats are about just as Obama was elected on the racist vote.  Wanting to make history by voting in a black or a woman for the first time just because of their race or gender will just get you what we have now – a country in disarray, divided and stagnated.  She is a criminal in a party of criminals so my guess is that she will be the nominee of the democrat party and may very well win the Presidency if the establishment republicans have their way.  It will be a first in our history that a man and wife were elected President (though she believed it happened in 1992) and then history will be made again as they are the first husband/wife Presidents to get impeached also.  Can’t wait for that …

Bernie Sanders


You go to Scandinavia, and you will find that people have a much higher standard of living, in terms of education, health care and decent paying jobs.”   Bernie Sanders, Senator from Vermont

Bernie! Bernie! Bernie!  If that is the case then why is he here? The flip side of the criminal face of the democrat party is avowed socialist Bernie Sanders.  It seems that he and a whole bunch of college professors still believe that socialism is a viable economic system.  Throw in a handful of gullible youth and envious adults and you get Bernie’s rise in the polls.  The Obama people already announced that he is the only candidate that will make it an Obama third term.  No kidding.  A likeable grandfatherly type of guy he is better left alone in a room, preferably padded.  The culmination (he hopes) of the planners way back in the 1920’s of the “progressive” movement who after several defeats at the polls changed their strategy and decided that they would be better off taking over a major party.  They considered both parties and chose the democrats.  It was a successful progression of progressives.  The difference between Ma Barker and Bernie when they push the politics of envy is Ma Barker is using it as a means to an end.  Bernie actually believes it.  Even with that distinction it is impossible to say who is more honest.  Unless Ma Barker gets tossed in jail; Bernie will go back to the Senate to continue his political career.  But he has served a purpose in that he is the first openly socialist candidate that has some traction in a major party and kudos to him for standing up to the organized crime element of the democrat party.  The democrat party will be able to move further left and the politics of envy will gain at everyone’s loss.

Ben Carson




“Tell the truth. If you tell the truth all the time you don’t have to worry three months down the line about what you said three months earlier. Truth is always the truth. You won’t have to complicate your life by trying to cover up.”
Ben Carson, Think Big: Unleashing Your Potential for Excellence      


One of my favorite candidates ever to run for the office of the President.   He is only one of three I would cast my vote for next year.  What I like about him is what the left hates; he is a classic American success story.  It is a story that is not contrived as our current Presidents life story was and more importantly it is verifiable.  No sealed documents, no public transcripts that you can not access.  He is exactly how he comes across; honest and plain speaking.  He appeals to the higher nature of man and knows first hand of the struggle to make a good life.  He is aware that the largest obstacle to success is in our own minds and the second largest is the government.  The biggest argument his detractors state is that he is not suited because of his political naiveté and lack of political experience.  Like we can trust our experienced politicos ?  They have done so well for us the last 80 years.  Isn’t it time to revert back to electing honest people who do not have to sell themselves to every different group as something they are not and share the same knowledge of how difficult it is to succeed in real life ?  What would a Carson Presidency be like?  Unlike our present dictator in chief and other candidates act I believe Carson would be a thoughtful constrained and respectful of our Constitution President.  He will have difficulty with dealing with the establishment republicans and democrats but is enough of a leader with character to get through it.  I would hope that he does not get swayed by the media onslaught that hammers most into submission and I do not think he would be but the human ego is a tricky thing.  He and Bernie have one thing in common and that is their honesty; but Ben Carson has an added dimension and that is proven intelligence.  Unlike most of his opponents from both parties.

Jeb Bush

He might have added “or not at all”.  Jeb is a nice guy.  Did a good job as Governor of Florida when he was in office.  But he should have listened to his mom when she told him he shouldn’t run for President.  Her political sense is still sharp and recognized that at least one party is letting go of the status quo and “family” dynasties.  The small tent democrats are light years behind in that sense but there is also another factor that the elder Mrs. Bush may have recognized and that is the growing revolt of republicans against the party establishment whose motto is “Compromise anything anytime as long as we are compensated”.  The self proclaimed “moderates” share the blame for the state of our Nation and the economy.  As bad as the democrat party is and they ARE bad I consider the moderates in the republican party despicable.  They are the true whores of Washington.  Jeb aligns himself with these moderates and as the adage states; “when you sleep with dogs you get fleas”.  Jeb’s stance on immigration is paid for by the Chamber of Commerce who lobbies for BIG corporations who need to have cheap labor to maintain their profits ergo CEO salaries.  He and others who are for open borders and amnesty for illegal immigrants  wrap themselves in the cloak of humanitarianism are shills for these big corporations.  The claim that the illegals are only performing jobs that Americans do not want to do is a fallacy.  Ask the thousands of construction tradesmen who lost jobs because the illegal immigrants will do it for less.  The “rockers” (those who put up the sheet rock or dry wall) who lost their jobs building these McMansions that the big developers like to fill the open space with; lost them to illegals who take lower pay.  Where is Jeb’s and others like him compassion for them?  When you hear someone make that claim that the illegals are only doing work Americans won’t do, always finish the sentence with at the pay rate offered.  Every industry is affected with this problem and their solution is to call opponents “haters” and try to shame them into silence.  It isn’t working anymore and the leaders of the establishment Republican Party are in a semi-panic mode.  One last note about Jeb Bush and his family legacy.  They are a real nice family and honorable also on a personal level but they tend to make the same mistakes.  The elder Bush made a deal with the democrats to raise taxes for some hefty budget cuts; this coming after his “read my lips – no new taxes” proclamation.  He should have known better because Reagan made the same mistake on immigration; you can not trust democrats to follow their word.  Just as there were no border solutions for the amnesty Reagan delivered; there were no budget cuts for the rise in taxes.  Jeb’s brother pursued a war in Iraq with the blessings of the democrats (Clinton, Kerry to name a few) in return he and the republicans allowed democrat economic policies to grow and fester that led to the financial crisis in 2007/2008 that is still with us today.  I just don’t trust a man who is from such a gullible family.
Ted Cruz
I would vote for him in a heartbeat.  He is the second of three republicans worthy of being President.  I trust him because he has not backed down from pressures from the hierarchy in the Republican Party.  He is true to his label of conservative republican and has fought the establishment from the day he announced he was running for Senate in Texas.  He overcame great odds and the party to become one of two outspoken critics of not only Obama and the democrats but also of his own party officials.  There is no better political debater in either party and that is due to talent based on a solid belief system.  The main stream media does not like him (a plus) and I think that of all the republicans running he would beat Hillary or Bernie the easiest.  My only concern with him is the amount of influence the neocon world vision would have on him.  America should be unequalled in defense but not the worlds policeman.  Our concerns should be for the two or three true allies we have and strive to be peaceful and friendly with the rest but not a door mat.  What I do not fear from him is an expansion of Presidential powers that are unconstitutional and just basically lazy.   Like Reagan he has great faith in the American people to achieve their own success, unlike Reagan I do not think he will allow the government to grow at the rate RR allowed to happen.

 The great and abiding lesson of American history, particularly the cold war, is that the engine of capitalism, the individual, is mightier than any collective.     Rand Paul

The last Republican candidate I would vote for next year.  Unfortunately for Senator Paul he is in a primary where one man has sucked all the air out of the room.  Unlike Trump he has presented a viable tax plan not just a claim that it will be the “best plan devised” as Mr. Trump is want to do with all his policies.  Paul has fought the administration and his own party (just like Senator Cruz) on the issue of privacy and foreign entanglements.  His belief in individual liberty ranks along side of Washington, Jefferson and Adams.  His intelligence is plain to see and hear as he is not a career politician but rather a practicing eye surgeon.  You may not agree with the politics of the conservative/libertarian republican field but one can not deny which party is fielding candidates with the most intelligence and desire for change.  Of my three favorites, I believe Rand Paul would keep us out of a messy war and will not be swayed by the neocon faction of the party.  Like Carson and Cruz he would have an uphill fight to get our economy back on the right track.  Like Carson and Cruz he has a deep respect for the morals and ethics set by our Constitution and would not flagrantly break it to expand their power.
Marco Rubio
The young Senator from Florida has a lot going for him.  Patience will bring him the Presidency but not in 2016.  My fear with him is that he has aligned himself with the establishment.  He seems like he wants to be a Cruz / Paul type republican but holds back for some reason.  His leanings towards amnesty for illegals shows an influence by the Chamber of Commerce corporate cronyism but his story is so American it should be highlighted to everyone.  I really like the man but we can not afford any more establishment politicians.  I hope he follows his natural leanings and leaves the dark side behind.
The rest of the Republican field; Chris Christie, Bobby Jindal, Mike Huckabee, John Kasich, Rick Santorum, Carly Fiorina are there pushing their view of how they would correct the mess and change the direction.  One wonders why they are continuing but it must be remembered that it is still very early in the process and while the media would love to have picked out the candidates by now it is better to let it work itself out.

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