Twisting In The Wind


Another of God's miracles Photo by Justin Ryan

Another of God’s miracles
Photo by Justin Ryan

As individuals, as organizations, as a Nation we have set ourselves up for the greatest fall since the Roman Empire.  And as the fall of Rome led to a what some call the dark age, America’s fall will also lead to a dark time for the world.  But the darkest will be reserved for the American people themselves.  While it sounds braggadocios and an over estimation but no Nation in the world’s known history has one country been as blessed as this Nation. Rome developed paved roads and better transportation;  America went to the moon and beyond.  The English Empire spread law throughout the world; America gave us the Constitution which protected and gave sanctity to the individual.  God has indeed blessed America.   But a long habit of not thinking has periodically left us twisting in the wind without God’s blessings.  That is true for individuals and organizations as well as Nations.

As you probably deduced I am very “individual” oriented.  The very idea of a “common good” is abhorrent and wrong as it is professed today.  I know that individuals can get together and form a “more perfect union” but history has proven that eventually the individual loses their liberty of action and then of thought for the advancement of the group.  God created man.  Every individual is God’s creation, separate but equal.   He did not create governments, churches or corporations; they are all man made and because of that they have an underlying fault, that is they invariably seek to harness and control Gods greatest creation; you.    These are the statist and corporatist that see us as a unit here to serve them and coincidently they are godless by nature.

Anybody who doubts that there is an eternal war between God and Satan has only to look at world history.  It has been one continuous struggle between the individual and the kingdom/state.  There have been brief periods where the individual has beaten and reigned in those in control but eventually it reverts back.  Both sides claim that God is on their side or at least they use to; in today’s world the one side usually mocks God and His followers.  Both sides though have crossovers  but compared to the whole they are small in number though their belief that they are correct probably is greater then all the others combined.  They are akin to the so called “independent” voter who feel because he/she thinks that because they do not have a firm belief and can compromise with either camp they are above the fray. Of course they are neither and the best description of them has been provided by Lenin; “useful idiots”.

One of Gods greatest blessings is “free will”.  One of Gods greatest curses is “free will”.  How can this be?

As is often the case most of what we know is that way.  It is a curse for those who can not or will not believe in God and because of this they will have no moral compass to rely on for guidance.  Not that there aren’t good and kind atheist, there are many but when a person carries a denial of God throughout life to their death it is very difficult to be good.   When you boil them down you find a self centered selfish person who has built their lives on quicksand.  It is a curse for “Christians” who seem to always choose wrongly with their free will.  Self discipline is rarely taught in our society.  Instead our culture teaches self indulgence.   We are free to choose and for many they can not choose wisely and will take the easier path (so they think) and go against God.  We are all sinners at some point.  We all have taken a wrong path and some of us more than once but we can as believers return to the right path if our faith is strong.  One of the surest ways of realizing you have turned on the wrong path is the feeling of twisting in the wind.  You lose your sense of direction because the winds of society just keep spinning you around and North looks just like East.  Many will pause and consider their predicament and retrace and repent; most unfortunately will continue on while scratching their head, some will even attach themselves to a “new” age philosophy which makes them feel good about where they are at so everything must be all right.  After all God loves us all !  With a moral and ethical base built on sand it only takes a prolonged breeze to shift the sand and have it all crash around you.

Some even believe that free will is a concept that was given to us by Satan to make his efforts easier.  It is only used by him however;  God blessed us with free will.  It would be so much easier if He just forced His will upon us.  We wouldn’t have to think or decide anything for ourselves and for many years the Churches led by the Roman Catholics and then the various Protestant Churches acted this way and forced their will on the people through various economic means and sometimes even torture.  That has to be so abhorrent to God.  What greater gift can a person give then to freely give themselves to God?  When religions use coercion it may be good for the coffers but it is not what God desires.  Coercion and force are the devils tools.  Thankfully all the mainstream western religions have come to understand that and gave up the practice of forced beliefs hundreds of years ago, no more “Inquisitions” or Salem witch burnings.  That is, all of them except for the religion of Atheism, the religion of the godless.  As terrible as the Inquisition was and even tossing in the number of witches that have been burnt at the stake or crushed by rocks they pale to the numbers that the godless state religions have put up.  Just in the 20th. century alone the three biggies; Russian Communist, Germany’s Socialism and China’s Maoist Communism murdered or tortured hundreds of millions of innocents.  And that does not include the numbers from their satellite countries like Cuba and various African nations.  Cruelty reigns supreme in these godless governments and we have been blessed here but darkness is approaching.

Then there is Islam.  It is an economic/political system that wraps itself in a cloak of a religion that is devoted to God or Allah.  If you take an average individual Muslim you will find a person with an admirable devotion to God.  Taken as a group you find a religion devoted to all the excesses of an Atheist state.  Killing, torture and subjugation of the populace is the practice of both and that is why both must be resisted.  The concept of free will is antithetical to either of these state religions which should be one of the first warning sign of Satan’s involvement.  The growing Atheist state in America is evidenced by the unmitigated growth of violence throughout our society.  It is based on lack of respect for life.  The “legal” right to kill the unborn is taken right from the atheist philosophy of Margret Sanger, an American who founded Planned Parenthood and influenced the likes of Hitler and Stalin.  Where there is no God there is no respect for life.  In our major cities murder is rampant.  The feeble minded and those who wish to promulgate the problem always point to our natural right for self defense as the problem.  That is a step in subjugation and that is not a good tradeoff. We as a Nation are twisting in the wind right now and the further we remove ourselves from our roots in God the further we remove ourselves from his blessings.  Just as an individual can return to God’s grace so too can a Nation but it starts with the free will granted by God.

One thought on “Twisting In The Wind”

  1. mike cesaro says:

    Once again a thought provoking write-up.

    First, atheist. The person who truly believes that there is no God then they eliminate the possible existence of a moral code. Without a moral set of standards and the laws it brings along then there is no such thing as “sin”. The law defines sin. If there is no such thing as sin then someone has to tell me what is behind all of the evil in this world. Our Society is breaking down because people are not acknowledging that they are sinners. If you are not a sinner then you have no need of repentance and no need to change your behavior. Atheism is a deeply flawed philosophy and is a very poor substitute to the truth of a living God.

    Your observations about the reality of Free Will are spot on. The same people who proclaim atheism also forget that there is a free will and therefore they are able to rationalize any type of behavior by blaming it on their DNA or their uncontrollable make-up. They claim their alcoholism or homosexually or drug use or any other kind of sin is because they have a chromosome missing or some such thing. I know I have a chromosome missing and that makes me susceptible to alcohol abuse but because I exercise my free will I am not a slave to alcohol. I am aware and therefore I can exercise my free will to deny my potential addiction.

    I am out of gas on this rainy day but I want to thank you again for putting my head in gear.


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