Life Imitating Art?

As I have aged, an appreciation of the arts, particularly in the film industry and the science fiction genre specifically has developed.  It started while watching a few of the more recent sci-fi movies with my grandson who is attracted to the action (violence) and the thought of

American Shorts

  Washington and Hamilton “Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force; like fire, a troublesome servant and fearful master.  Never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action.”  George Washington “I never expect to see a perfect work from

Bullying or the Hypocrisy of Authority

  We have become a nation of epidemics and there is an epidemic in America that we can not get away from or ignore.  There are stories in the news several times a week of victims that are paraded to show the horrible effects of


When I first started to study this topic I called it “Fatherhood” because it is a message designed to bring God’s direction for Fathers as found in the Bible. But I researched and found out that 24.6 million children 18 years or younger are living


“I looked up my family tree and found out I was the sap.” — Rodney Dangerfield   Breathing.  The simple act of sucking air into my lungs has got to be one of my favorite things to do.  There are some who see that as

The More Things Change…..

How times have changed!  Fifty years ago in Selma the police turned on peaceful protesters with water hoses, dogs and batons.  The protestors were marching for their rights as Americans that had been denied them by the very government that was created to protect the

Getting to know me!

On Christmas day, 2013, my son gave me this little booklet “My dad, His stories. His Words.” My son wanted to capture some snap-shots of my life to share with his three boys.This write up is the result on me trying to answer these questions. Please

How about this for a prophecy?

I have been reading about Artificial Intelligence (AI) lately and have studied the progress made in recent times and have this thought that came to me while reading my Bible. As you all know—”timing is everything” and the timing here was impeccable.What I read about

Fundamentally Transformed

We are now into Obamas final two years.  And believe it or not the past six years worth of tearing down our country through numerous open and arrogant acts the worse has yet to come.  The last two years are going to be the most


Preconceptions or prejudging we have been told is wrong and we should endeavor to stop it.  But stopping it is completely counter to human nature and survival and as much as we decry it we use it daily.  Profiling is another term that is used